Captured images - Watson Lake YKT to Dawson City YKT
Colrain to
Canadian Border
Canadian Border
to Winnipeg MB
Winnipeg MB to Prince George BC Prince George BC
to Watson Lake YK
Watson Lake YK to Dawson City YK Dawson City YK
to Inuvik NWT
  August 23rd: Watson Lake MP 980 km to Teslin YK 1243 km  
  August 24th: Teslin YT MP 1243 km to Whitehorse YK 1425 km 
  August 25th: A day in Whitehorse YK 
  August 26th: Whitehorse YK to Carmack YK  
  August 27th: Carmack YK to Moose Creek YK  
  August 28th: Moose Creek YK to Dawson City YK  
  August 29th: Day two in Dawson City YK 
  August 30th: Day three in Dawson City YK 
  Images: Dawson City YK to Inuvik NWT 
  Images: Return trip - Inuvik NWT to Tok Alaska 
  Home page 

Yukon river from the 'Dome' elv 3,400 over Dawson City

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