Captured images along the Dempster and Taylor Highways
Inuvik North West Territories to Tok Alaska
Inuvik NWT to
Tok Alaska
Tok Alaska to
Watson Lake YK
Watson Lake YK to
Dawson Creek BC
Dawson Creek BC to Winnipeg MB Winnipeg MB to
Montreal QP
Montreal QP to
Colrain MA
  Sept 7th: Inuvik to Eagle Plains YK  
  Sept 8th: Eagle Plains to Dawson City  
  Sept 9th: A day in Dawson City YK  
  Sept 10th: Dawson City to Tok Alaska  
  Sept 10th: Susan Wyant-Dawson City to Tok Alaska / part 1  
  Sept 10th: Susan Wyant-Dawson City to Tok Alaska / part 2  
  Images: Tok Alaska to Watson Lake YK  
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